Chapter Subject
Cover Page
1Bank Nationalization After 50 Years
2The Agrarian Economy and Monetary Stringency in History and at Present
3Political Economy of Bank Nationalisation In India
4"Throw the bathwater - not the baby" Reflections on fifty years of Bank Nationalization
5The significance of bank nationalization
6Bank nationalisation : the record
7Banking Journey Since 1969 to 2019 - From Nationalisation Point of View (In Hindi)
8Role of Bank Nationalisation in the Development of Infrastructure and Industrial development
9Which Way Banking Industry!
10Privatisation - Neo-liberal Globalization - Dictated Reform in the Banking Industry
11On Bank Nationalisation
12Role of Foreign Banks in our Economy
13Golden Jubilee of Bank Nationalisation
14Challenges of Personnel Management in neo-liberalised era
15Present Labour Movement in Banking Industry in India
16Nationalisation of banks in India and Banking Reforms
17Whither Bank Nationalisation?
18Undoing Bank Nationalisation : A Euphemism for Disaster
19On Bank Nationalisation
20Looking at the Mirror
2150 Years of Bank Nationalisation - Save Public Sector Banks -Save Public Money
2250 Years of Bank Nationalisation - Looking Back to those Days
23Indian banks nationalised, and the Moon
24AIRBEA pleads for nationalisation
25Nationalisation of Banks - Should it be further delayed?
26Debates in Parliament - Lok Sabha Debates
27Debates in Parliament Rajya Sabha Debates
28Indira Gandhi's Letters
29Speeches by Indira Gandhi
30Text of Letter by Ashis Sen G.S. AIRBEA to the Prime Minister on 30th July 1969

29. Speeches by Indira Gandhi